April 28, 2007

What I did for my English this week...

Short enumeration of what I did for my English this week:

- actually only did the necessary. I read a few pages of Jaywalking, prepared for my presentation I had on Monday. This included some researching on the web which, as I realized later on, was unnecessary work because I found almost exactly the same links as Roman had already found last year. However, I looked up his link page on our yahoo group too late. The work had already been done by myself.

- my girlfriend ordered the second part of "A Year in the Merde" (I don't know if that counts, but as I'm really looking foreward to reading this book I wanted to mention it here as well)

- just read this weeks post, that's what I did for my writing.
- what I plan to do is, to proof-read my blog entries or at least to write the following entries more carefully using dictonaries, linking words list etc.
- Grammar exercices by Rebecca Welland (prepositions...)
- a wonderfull mail to George summing up the content of my part of the presentation allowing him to create our wonderful handout.

- youtube (not always the highest level of English but can be fun from time to time)
- some Hollywood film I can't remember the name of nor what it was about... I'll wait a minute and add it later on...
- not much more's going on in that section right now.

- preparation for the presentation. We tried to stick to English as much as possible during the preparation of our presentaion. Furthermore, we praticed the presentation a few times as to speak as freely as possible. In the end all of us spoke without using any notes which is a good thing I believe.
- a short chat on earthquakes in Dover, GB with my landlord, who happens to be from the Island.

Well, I believe this is about it!
As soon as more comes to my mind I'll add it to this wonderful blog...

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