May 6, 2007

Immigration in Austria

In my last posts I reported about immigration, illgal immigration, to the US. I believe it is crucial not only to talk about other countries, show how the situation is there but to talk about the own country as well. A few days ago the Green Party started a petition concerning the right of residence for asylum seekers who are "waiting" for their process to end for more than 5 years.
As I am working with asylum seekers I can tell from experience that indeed many men and women are waiting for years until their case is closed and a decision on whether they are allowed to stay or have to leave the country is made. By then some have started to work in fields they are allowed to (paper work - distributing newspapers, projects by the city or from organizations like the Caritas...), they have met new people, made friends with other asylum seekers or in the best case with Austrians. Some may have found a partner in the country and married, they may be waiting for a child. None of these reasons will help them to stop their deportation to their country of origin.
The ÖVP, a party which calls itself a "family party" has passed this law tearing appart father, mother and child. It is high time to discuss what is going on in our country and find a better solution for immigrants to our country.

If you understand German and want to read some more about this topic, please open the following link to the Petition of the Green Party. dahamisdaham

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