In preparation for our mock exam (yes it is possible to prepare even for mock exams even though other important exams are coming up soon) a few friends and I sat together after Welland's class at Axolotl's.
First, we discussed about what we actually had to do, know or be able to talk about for our oral exam next week. Then we took turns talking about ourselves, hobbies, things we do outside class and why we decided to study translation and English in particular. Similar topics are supposed to come up at the oral exam at the end of the semester.
Our second main topic was class work and topics discussed in class. We tried to reflect a little on Jaywalking and then decided to create a list of the texts we've read so far in class and on the topics we've been working on.
Finally, we focused our attention on the 3 minutes group discussion we are supposed to have next Thursday and at the end of the semester. Not only did we talk or discuss the topics listed in our skript on page 11 (Speaking Practice 1) but we also timed the discussions as to get a better feeling for how much each and every one of us can talk. We realized that 3 minutes were really short and that it was quite difficult to relate to what the person before you had said. In the end, however, all of us thought that we had done a good job for a first speaking practice of this kind.
Before we left Axolotl we decided upon the next practice session which will be tomorrow.
Some more information, maybe some interesting phrases for interaction, will be published there after.
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