March 26, 2007

Last Week, English

Graz, Austria. Week 19th - 25th of March 2007.

Browsing through my own blog I realized that I forgot to mention quite an astonishing amount of work I did to improve my or at least get in touch with the English language.
First, starting in chronological order, I watched Rocky Balboa in the Royal English Cinema Monday night with a few friends, as George puts it. To tell the truth, I did not expect having to much fun watching the movie for a second time, but I need to underline what George already explained in more detail on his blog, the English original beats the pants off the German dubbing.
Tuesday, I joined for the first time the, by now, traditional Pubquiz at the Office. I should have done this a year ago then some of Mr. Newman’s culture questions would have been easily answered (and maybe I’d have passed SuK III on my first try). I don’t want to brag about it, still I think it is important to point out that George, Julia and I tried very hard to stick to English as long as we were inside the Pub (for a proof click here).
Wednesday, this was the hardest bit. Every Wednesday morning (and afternoon) I’ve got a microeconomics class in English at the SOWI. For everyone interested in microeconomics and English I recommend taking a course with Mr. Baigent next semester. At night I watched the only episode of Rocky Balboa I had not seen by then: number V.
All week long I read a few chapters of Jaywalking and finished A Year in the Merde (see, review).

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